
[Ratchet x Reader] Patrol

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UltraGamingNerd2001's avatar

Literature Text

It was well known that the autobots were short on members, so when Bulkhead and Arcee got hurt in an accident, [Name] and Ratchet had to step up to the plate. Now, [Name] had gone on missions before, being the one to replace bots who couldn't go on partrol. But Ratchet? His missions consisted mostly of responding to Starscream's 'deals.'

So, Optimus paired them together. [Name] was to show Ratchet the basic patrol line, and both of them were to scout while on it.

Hence, the present dilema.

"[Name], please try to understand, the GPS readings say to go straight." Ratchet said, for the fifth time.

"Ratchet." [Name] was losing patience. "Please try to understand, this is a rock. We can't walk through rocks!!"

"Then why does the GPS say to go ahead? Not turn away from the rock?"

"BECAUSE IT WAS EASIER TO CODE!" [Name] refrained from pulling her blaster.

"That was illogical."

[Name] glared at the medic, he glared back. Until he broke into a grin. "I know. I coded the thing."

[Name]'s eye twitched. "You what?" She seethed.

"I was 'kidding' with you."

"I hate you." She shook her head, the broke into a grin. "Who knew you, of all people. could be this annoying?"

Ratchet smiled and shrugged. "Well, it's fun to play jokes on you."


"Because you're kind of adora-" Ratchet shut up. "Um, it's uh..."

"You think I'm adorable?" The other giggled. "Thanks Ratch."

"Erm, no problem."

The two were stopped by a thud from behind them. [Name] glanced at Ratchet, meeting his eyes for a second, before turning to look behind.

It was Dreadwing. And he was with an insecticon.

Well scrap.

[Name] drew her weapon, facing the cons. Ratchet's hands transformed into blasters as he took an unsure pose.

Dreadwing rolled his eyes and swung his hand, flinging [Name] to the side, while the insecticon lunged at Ratchet. The [f/c] femme landed heavily on her stomach, but immediatly tried and get up. Ratchet was holding the insecticon from eating his face, while trying to blast it at the same time.

[Name] was on her knees when Dreadwind stomped on her back, shoving [Name] to the ground again. The smaller bot cried out in pain as Dreadwing reached down and grasped her neck before hoisting her up. He held her by her throat, pedes above the ground.

Ratchet finally heaves the insecticon off and in the split second before he was tackled again, he saw you, scratching at the strong hands around your neck. "[NAME]!"

"H-help.." She pleaded, energon tears starting to show. Ratchet's spark throbbed, he was stuggling to keep the insection off him. He couldn't save himself, much less [Name]. He felt useless, he felt hopeless.

Dreadwing held [Name] until she stopped struggling and went limp. Ratchet watched in horror, distraction letting the con get to him. But, Dreadwing called the insect off.

"Medic." the con said, voice deep and menacing. Ratchet shakily stood, but still growled at the decepticon.

"What?" He snarled, venom dripping from his words. Ratchet gave the con a withering glare, but didn't try anything, for Dreadwing had [Name] slung over his wide shoulder.

"You are now a prisoner of megatron. Comply or you'll be in the same boat as..." he looks at the femme on his shoulder. "You know what I mean."

Ratchet narrowed his optics, his blasters charged, then shut down completely, transforming back to his regular hands, which were curled into fists. Slowly, he raised his hands in surrender. Dreadwing motioned to his insecticon and before Ratchet could object, he was knocked to the ground, unconcious.

When Ratchet finally got his optics online, he was leaned against a prison wall, dried energon coating his helm and running down his face. When the medic tried to wipe the stuff from his eyes, he found his hands chained behind his back.  

Ratchet snarled, wishing every decepticon dead, then he gathered his senses and tried to think rationally.

First thought; where was [Name]?
Second; if those fragging decepticons got their disgusting hands on her, I'll...
Third; what can I do against the cons? Two of them and we both get kidnapped.

Ratchet sighed. This was useless, his anger and doubt clouded his judgement too much to think clearly.


[Name] woke with a start and gasped for air, panicking. Where was she? Why can't she move her hands? Where was Ratchet? Slowly, she calmed, answering two of her questions. She was in the con's ship and her hands were suspended above her head by chains. The femme wiggled her fingers, trying to get some feeling back into them.

Her throat hurt. A lot. Her face was covered in tears and energon was dripping from her mouth. Her chestplate hurt too and when she looked down, there were long, thin scratches. Biting her lip, she tried not break down. She would be strong. She would get out of here. She and Ratchet would go back to the base, he would call her adorable, and she would tell him how she felt about the mech...

But where was Ratchet?

Before any more thought was put into the subject, a cherry-red medic stepped into the room. [Name] huffed and turned away. Knockout sighed and knelt infront of her, slowly starting to tend to the scratches. He worked with gentle precision, and soon [Name] was silently watching the mech. At one point, the autobot hissed when one of the scratches stung whilist Knockout applied an antibiotic to it.

"Starscream you idiot..." Was his muttered reply.


The medic hadn't given up yet. He tried to use a scalpel from his belt to cut through the chains, but before he could get a good sized dent in it, Starscream strut in.

"Hello, Ratchet." The femme-looking mech greeted. Ratchet wasn't impressed.

"What do you want?" He said in monotone. Starscream looked irked at the fact Ratchet wasn't quivering in fear.

"I want you to stop asking questions and follow me." Starscream said with an air of authority. Ratchet rolled his optics, but stood anyway.

Starscream smiled in childish triumph and shoved Ratchet out the door. The medic was annoyed at the sharp hands that constantly forced him down the halls of the nemisis.

"You don't have to push me, I can walk, you idiot." Ratchet growled. This wasn't helping his temper at all. Starscream pouted, but stopped.

Soon, they reached a door that look just like any other. Starscream opened it and, in spite, gave Ratchet one last push, sending him to the floor. Having his hands bound aided him only in landing on his face.

"Get up, you lazy piece of scrap!" exclaimed Starscream. Ratchet snarled and ungracefully got to his feet. With a glare that would make unicron cowar, Ratchet vowed to offline the heeled mech in his sleep. Then they continued.

The room lead to two others, Starscream opened the one on his right. Before the con stepped through, he motions for Ratchet to stay put. Not that he could resist, he was bound and the door they'd come through was locked.

Ratchet heard Starscream talking to someone behind the door, drawling in that infuriating rolling-gravel voice. Soon, Knockout walked out of the room, clearly angered. The red mech met Ratchet's eyes for a moment, sympathy underlying the hard stare. Then, he placed something in the others hand and left.

Suddenly there was a scream. Ratchet's optics widened, then narrowed in rage. [Name] was in there, and the bloody con was hurting her. Ratchet was about to reach for his scalpel, but in his hand was something else, whatever Knockout gave him. Quickly, Ratchet identified it as a key.

With confusion, Ratchet unlocked his chains, just in time for Starscream to open the door widely and order the medic to come in. Ratchet looked at the con, then in one fluid movement, he broke the chains and punched Starscream in the face, sending him flying.

Ratchet stood panting, then took a couple steps to kneel beside [Name], who had energon seeping from the cuts on her face. One optic was forced offline. Ratchet growled and started to patch her up with the kit Knockout left behind.

[Name] didn't say a word, only stared at Ratchet as if unbelieveing. After making sure what Knockout already did was okay, Ratchet cut the femme loose. She slumped into the mechs arms. Only then did she start to sob with relief. Ratchet merely held her close and [Name] relished the feeling of security in his strong arms.

When Starscream woke, Ratchet and [Name] were already on the roof, sprinting to port, where the nemisis was closest to a large cliff. When they were meters away, the two transformed and sped off the edge, flying through the air before landing heavily, causing another transformation. The medic and the femme both rolled to a stop behind some bush, both finally safe.


"Optimus! We found them, Ratchet and [Name]'s tracking devices are out of the cloaking range." Arcee reports. The prime immediatly orders a ground bridge to their exact coordinates.


"[Name]? Are you alright?" Ratchet asked, reaching to help the femme up. She nodded and shakily got to her feet. A warped sound signaled the arrival of a ground bridge behind them and both gratefully walked through, to the waiting autobots on the other side.

Before they got to the end, in the middle of the green portal, [Name] stopped Ratchet.

"[Na-" He began, but he was cut off by the femme, pressing her lips to his. It was only for a second, but it left the medic stunned.

"I really like you, Ratchet." [Name] said, smiling for the first time since the patrol. "Thank you, for everything."

Ratchet smiled. "I... like you too, [Name]."

Then, they walked through. As soon as the autobots saw them, servos locked, a cheer spread through the entire base.

They were home.
Hue hue hue. Ratchet be pissed.
 Angry Mabel Starscream you shit.

This was fun.


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beachslusheys's avatar
Starscream is such an eff up all the time XD
Awesome writing!!